Johnny Depp Lawsuit Reveals Double Standard Between Men and Women Accused of Abuse
The libel case against Sun Magazine exposed intimate details of he and ex-wife Amber Heard’s relationship.
Depp was asked to resign from his role in the upcoming “Fantastic Beasts” movie after losing the case.
December 9, 2020
Throughout his career, Johnny Depp has faced alcoholism, had his flings with actresses cast into the public’s attention, and now, abuse allegations from ex-wife Amber Heard may have ended it.
Depp filed a libel case against Sun Newspaper for calling him a wife beater in a 2018 article, according to Insider. This piece came after an op-ed Heard had written for the Washington Post earlier in the year that said Depp had physically and emotionally abused her.
Depp and Heard got married in 2015, after dating for three years. They both split from their previous partners in 2012.
In 2016, after just one year of marriage, Heard filed for divorce and got a temporary restraining order against Depp. Heard claimed Depp had thrown his phone at her, but a police investigation later reported this to not be true.
During the case, Heard said that Depp had assaulted her 14 times according to BBC News.
Depp’s long history of alcohol abuse more than likely caused him to engage in these abusive behaviors. However, there is also evidence of Heard being abusive towards Depp.
In 2009, Heard had been arrested for assaulting her then-girlfriend, Tasya van Ree, but the charges were later dropped when van Ree claimed Heard had been wrongfully accused by cops, according to Insider.
Depp also released an audio recording during the case of Heard hitting him.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t, uh, uh, hit you across the face in a proper slap,” Heard said, “but I was hitting you, it was not punching you. Babe, you’re not punched.”
If Heard’s allegations against Depp are true, then he should be losing his roles and it serves him right that his career is ending. Domestic abuse victims should be taken seriously and their claims should be brought to court.
However, if Depp’s allegations are also true and Heard abused him back, why should she not lose her career also? Women are just as capable of abuse and if she truly manipulated him the way he claims she did, she should face the consequences of the public.
Depp lost the libel case but applied to appeal the ruling, according to the Guardian. He has lost his role in the upcoming “Fantastic Beasts” movie, and many believe his career to be over.
While victims of abuse should be taken seriously, putting all of the blame on Depp ignores the part that Heard played in this toxic relationship. Society should not excuse a woman’s behavior simply because she is a woman. All allegations of abuse should be looked into with the same urgency whether it is a man or woman who is accused.
All people need to feel valid and be able to come forward if we want to minimize domestic abuse.