Saturday March 29 was Environmental Club’s Lights Out! Concert in honor of Earth Hour. The concert, held at the Edwardsville Public Library, featured teen bands aided by electric instruments until 8:30. At that time the lights were turned off and the rest of the performances were to be acoustic only for the rest of the evening.
Ethan Morris, lead singer of Love Me, Leave Me, was satisfied with the event. “It was awesome,” he said. “I absolutely think we should conserve on energy and light.” He was also in support of the message of the event, “I absolutely think we should conserve on energy and light.”
Junior Adam Biethman represented Student Council to show support for the event. He was, however, disheartened by how it was conducted. “It seems like a good event. I can’t help but wonder if we are producing more emissions than if we didn’t have it at all,” Biethman said referencing to the loud speakers and the gas used by everyone driving to the event.
Seniors Erika Clark and Ben Warnecke expressed their satisfaction with the event. “We were here for Happenstance but they were supposed to go last,” said Clark. Warnecke said that he was having a good time and that he was enjoying the opportunity to “make new friends.”
One of the main heads of the project was Eden Vitoff. “We’ve been trying to bring Earth Hour to Edwardsville for a few years,” the event had been in preparation for several months prior. When asked on whether the event would be hosted next year he said he hoped it would. He expressed his desire for it to become an Edwardsville tradition “so the children of Edwardsville can grow up with it.”