Students Give Trump Presidential Report Card

Emma Lipe, Life Editor

It’s been about two months since President Donald Trump took his place in the Oval Office and pledged to “make America great again,” and the reviews of his progress have been mixed.

There have been riots and protests to his actions, and there have been countermovements to these riots and protests.

Twitter user @Trump_Regrets has dedicated himself to retweeting tweets of those who voted for Trump but now regret it.

There really has been no consensus from we the people, only that most people feel strongly against or in support of him, but EHS students and alumni have decided it’s time to give President Trump and his actions over the last two months a letter grade.

A- or B+— 2016-graduate Austin Toby

Toby is pleased with Trump’s actions because he said Trump has done everything he had promised.

“I think he is doing what every normal person would do, not what politicians would do,” Toby said.

This was one of the traits that made Trump appealing to many of his supporters throughout his campaign; people found him relatable.

C— 2016-graduate Camden Maggos

“He has unethical views from my perspective, (such as) the Muslim ban and removal of Obamacare,” Maggos said.

But while Maggos is unhappy with these actions, he sees potential in Trump. He believes 45 could have a positive impact on the economy and may bring more jobs into the US.

D— 2016-graduate David Sedycias

“It will probably grow into an F. The guy is a complete maniac, lies all the time and doesn’t care about anyone but himself,” Sedycias said, citing Trump’s accusation of former-President Obama of wiretapping his hotels during the campaign.

Sedycias also acknowledged that Trump told Fox News’s Chris Wallace, “We had a massive landslide victory, as you know, in the Electoral College.” But, in fact, Trump’s Electoral College percentage ranks in the lowest one-fourth and the lowest one-fifth of all Electoral College victories in history according to John J. Pitney, Jr., professor of politics at Claremont McKenna College.

F— freshman Muriel Bowen

Bowen said the last few months of Trump have been “rough.”

“He has been hypocritical and all over the place,” she said, “with the wiretapping claims, behavior about the inauguration and issues relating to Russia.”