On Tuesday, April 9, National Honor Society invited a few EHS and middle school students to the C Gym to participate in the third annual Field Day.
Twenty-seven National Honor Society members volunteered to work games and events in the B gym, such as hula-hoop contests and bowling, to keep students active throughout the day. NHS sponsor and English teacher Mrs. Carol Wilkerson believes that the day was “excellent.”
“One of the things I love about this event is the shirts…When you look across [the gym] you can’t tell who’s who,” Mrs. Wilkerson said.
According to Mrs. Wilkerson, a major goal of Field Day is to involve the FLS students and NHS students so that there is no separation. Another goal is to show middle school students the high school.
“It’s a good way for incoming freshmen to get acquainted with [high school] students,” assistant Ms. D’Mitri Ebert said.
Middle school student involvement first began last year and has proven to be very successful, says Mrs. Wilkerson. She contacted the middle school teachers while NHS members organized games and snacks. This year had one of the largest NHS Field Day committees.
“I had a lot of fun. It [was] really fulfilling,” NHS senior Clayton Dawson said.