Attendance and Events on the Rise for FCA

Miranda Lintzenich, Life Editor

Almost everyone in the school has heard of FCA, but most have no clue what it is due to a lack of advertising or attendance at meetings. This year, the club’s objective is to change that.

FCA is the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. The only criteria are to have played a sport at any given time, whether it be last year or this year.

At meetings, the group starts off with a prayer and kicks into that week’s icebreaker. From there smaller huddles form and the groups discuss a theme with a few verses, called devotions.

This year’s huddle leaders include juniors Spencer Burbach, Katie Malcharek, Julann Scheibal, and Daniel Reed.

“We are doing a lot more advertisement so everyone has heard of us,” Burbach said. “Last year we had about 20 people at the first meeting; this year we had 52. We are also trying to make our meetings more enjoyable and we play more games and try to involve everyone.”

According to Burbach, the huddle leaders plan on individually visiting each of the teams and inviting them to their meetings. They want to host movie nights, do community service outreach, and even plan on partnering up with Collinsville for a joint meeting during second semester.

“We’re being more responsible as in planning for the meetings better, staying on top of events that are coming up and getting the word out.” Scheibal said.

Other events include “See You at The Pole” on Sept. 23 and “Fields of Faith” on Oct. 14.

“See you at the Pole” is held at 6:45 in the morning, and consists of a national day of prayer at high schools across the country. The group meets at the flagpole in front of EHS and then prays.

“Fields of Faith” is at Freeburg high school from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Although similar to “See You at the Pole”, FCA members from the Metro East area meet at the football field instead.

Sophomore Joseph Paolucci is ready to start the year off with FCA and attend the events.

“I didn’t know about the program last year. Julann told me about it and I came out. I was real glad because I love it,” Paolucci said. “It’s a place where I can talk with my friends and fellow athletes, openly share my faith, get advice and insight, as well as helping out people who need it too.”

As well as events, FCA has a theme every year devoted to the club. This year’s theme is “Undefeated.”

“With the theme we are trying to empress on everyone that even though you might lose a game, God never loses,” Burbach said. “If we are on His team that means we are undefeated.”

Scheibal has a similar viewpoint on the theme.

“It’s honestly one of my favorite so far, because I can get a little crazy when in a competitive situation. Sometimes losing is a hard thing to handle,” Scheibal said. “I think the lesson helps me realize that, even though I might not win the game, I’ve still got God, and with him it doesn’t matter if I win or lose.”