Taking a Break from Tech
September 14, 2017
It’s the twenty-first century, and teenagers are constantly on their cell phones texting, Snapchatting, watching videos, looking things up on the internet and taking photos of everything they find picture-worthy.
According to a study by the Pew Research Center, out of over 1000 teens, 92 percent access the internet on their smartphones daily and 12 percent admitted they are constantly on the internet. To sum it up, teenagers are highly dependent on their cell phones.
What can be done about this?
Nothing can really make teenagers less dependent on their cell phones; however, teens can spend hours or even days every now and then without touching their phones. Hiking or camping outside and soaking in nature “was found to have a positive effect on mood and aspects of cognitive function, including working memory, as well as a dampening effect on anxiety,” according to a study done by Gregory Bratman of Stanford University.
“Personally, I like to get off of my phone, because it’s like a mini vacation from society,” senior Ryan St. Peters said. “I like not having to wonder what’s happening on Snapchat or what someone put on Instagram.”
Hiking or camping with a friend or group of friends can be just as fun. Senior Amber Johnson spent three days at Johnson Shut Ins without her phone, along with a few of her peers.
“We talked more… instead of just looking at our phones for entertainment,” Johnson said. “I think it would have been very different if we had our phones. We would have been worried and stressed about service instead of enjoying nature.”
Even if you have a busy schedule, dedicating time to get some fresh air and remind yourself that exploring the wilderness— with a friend or even by yourself—can be just as, if not more entertaining than scrolling through your timeline. Not only that, but you can make great memories at the same time.
“I think everyone should put their phones down and go for a walk at least once a week,” St. Peters said. “Going outside will help a person be more creative with any task, whether it’s a writing piece or an art piece, and (will) just make them more of an overall positive person.”