“Tammy Teez” Takes The Spotlight
An advertisement for “Tammy Teez” sits outside of Mrs. Knabe’s classroom.
October 28, 2022
When it comes to janitors at EHS, one of the most well-known is Tammy Manley. She is so notorious, she needs no last name for the average student to recognize her. She picks up trash, greets every student she sees and now, she’s the face of a T-shirt brand.
That last title Tammy acquired as the result of seniors Ellie Bozarth and Spencer Hurley’s entrepreneurial actions. The two collaborated to create the company “Tammy Teez” where they sell shirts embellished with the words ‘I heart Tammy.’ Shirts are sold at $15 each, with the proceeds going towards Tammy and EHS janitors.
“Tammy was my muse,” Bozarth said. “To raise money the most efficient way, I made t-shirts to give back to the janitors.”
Bozarth and Hurley began collaborating on the idea in their fifth hour sociology class, where Bozarth threw out the idea. She used the random thought as an opportunity to give the janitorial staff their dues.
“[I wanted to give back to the janitors] because they put up with ignorant students who don’t throw away their trash,” Bozarth said. “They aren’t getting the respect they deserve.”
Hurley knew he wanted on board with the plan, and he had experience that could help the cause.
“I wanted to do something cool for the janitors,” Hurley said. “I’m like, ‘hey, I’ve done stuff like this before, so I’m going to make it work.”
As they were formulating the plan, they knew they needed to have Tammy as the focus for the products.
“Everyone loves Tammy, it’s not just me. She’s always [saying] ‘how are you hun?’” Hurley said.
In order to make their dreams a reality, Hurley and Bozarth enlisted the help of their sociology teacher, Sairee Knabe.
“I loved everything about it,” Mrs. Knabe said. “It makes me so happy because it wasn’t at all an assignment. It was totally organic.”
One of the ways Mrs. Knabe aided with “Tammy Teez” was by allowing her fifth hour to create signs and marketing for the business during the class period on Oct. 21. According to Mrs. Knabe, the plan went over well with the class.
“There was no convincing,” Mrs. Knabe said. “Everybody was just going to do it and I was like ‘this is awesome let’s go.’”
Mrs. Knabe believes that the organization is a testiment to Tammy’s impact on EHS.
“It shows how incredible Tammy is and her reach within this school,” Mrs. Knabe said. “It shows that every position within a school is important.”
Hurley holds Tammy in a similar regard.
“Tammy is a very hard-working, very loving lady, who deserves more than the world itself,” Hurley said.