Jeff Gall teaches Civics, Honors US History and foreign policy during the school day. After school, he acts as the head of Model U.N.
After being inactive for about 2 years, Mr. Gall has plans to revive the club this year. The first meeting is on Sept. 9 in A236.
According to, Model U.N. is a simulation of United Nations procedures. Participants role-play as UN delegates and engage in negotiations, discussions and debate. Participants research a country and propose a solution to keep the problems at bay.
“Basically, the meetings every week are mock sessions of the U.N.,” Mr. Gall said. “Someone will bring up a current issue facing the U.N., and the kids will take on the role of a different country and represent that country.”
“I have been involved in Model U.N. since my second year of teaching … since 1995,” said Mr. Gall. I really enjoyed working with [Model U.N.] kids.”
With roughly 30 years of experience of running the club Mr. Gall hopes to revive Model U.N. and increase participation within the club.
“It always starts out strong, then kids kinda lose interest overtime,” Mr. Gall said. “Or kids are in a lot of different activities so it’s hard for them to [fit] it in sometimes.”
In attempt to limit conflict with other clubs, Mr. Gall plans to meet on Mondays. In the past, meetings were on Tuesdays, conflicting with the debate club.
Mr. Gall believes the practices of Model U.N. can help students improve their life skills.
“[Students] learned how to compromise in order to work with [each other]. They learned how to debate,” he said. Some students who were reluctant to talk publicly [Model U.N.] got used to getting up in front of people and talking.”
Mr. Gall will continue to teach students these valuable lessons until his retirement next year.
“I haven’t really thought [beyond retirement],” he said. “We will see how this year goes.”
Although there is no clear plan for Model U.N. after this year, Mr. Gall hopes to lead a successful year and see an increase in student participation in Model U.N.